Boston Buoys Trail

A trail of art installations celebrating Boston's rich heritage as a port town by repurposing old maritime buoys.

buoy art installation with sign in front

Boston's rich maritime history

The Boston Buoys Trail is a series of art installations celebrating Boston's port and shipping heritage by re-purposing old marine buoys. The trail takes you on a journey through the town, with each buoy capturing a unique aspect of Boston's rich history as a shipping port town.

The Boston Buoys are a true celebration of Boston's identity, bringing pride of place into the town and proving a unique way for visitors to experience Boston's maritime stories.

The artworks were originally installed in 2021 and have since become staples of Boston's local recognisability. The beauty of the 'out-of-service' buoys is their variety. The mid-20th century maritime buoys used for the installations all vary in shape and size which makes them great canvasses to interpret in a variety of different ways.

Download the Boston Buoys Trail Map now and discover all 6 of these beautiful installations for yourself.

Boston Buoys Trail Map

The story of the Boston Buoys...

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By Sea

By Sea is an art installation designed and produced by Carrie Reichardt.

This buoy sees a mosaic of fish and mermaids to showcase Boston's maritime history and connections with the sea. The town's position just inland from the mouth of the Wash gives it an abundance of maritime stories and folklore, of which this buoy celebrates.

The fish have been made by local schools and members of the community. The installation also includes snippets of news stories, photography, and quotes from Boston's archives of the sea, throughout the years.

The true beauty of this installation comes on close inspection of its details.

Where can I find it?

This stunning buoy is located across the river Witham from St. Botolph's Church, just off the marketplace.

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By Land

By Land is an art installation designed and produced by Carrie Reichardt.

This buoy continues a similar style to 'By Sea' but in contrast, focuses instead on Boston's significant history 'by Land'.

The design of this buoy is inspired by Boston's rich agricultural potential using clippings of flowers, seeds and old agricultural advertisements to bring the local farming history of the Fens to life.

Where can I find it?

This bright buoy can be found in the gardens of Central Park. Its location sees it enjoyed by many visitors and residents alike.

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Leeward Bloom

This installation has been produced and designed by Bex Simon.

The beauty of this buoy is in its simplicity. Inspired by the award-winning efforts of Boston in Bloom, this buoy has been turned upside down into a vase to house flowers. The flowers depicted in this display have been inspired by the Japanese art of flower arrangements 'Ikebana'.

Where can I find it?

Leeward Bloom is located to the south of the town centre following the River Witham. It is on the south side of John Adams Way. This one might be a little harder to spot, so keep your eyes peeled.

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Windward Bloom

Also designed by Bex Simon, Windward Bloom follows a similar theme to Leeward Bloom in its approach to bringing floral arrangements to 'bring new to the old'. This installation draws inspiration from Boston in Bloom but instead focuses on showcasing wild plants that grow in the area.

Where can I find it?

Located very close to its sister buoy, this installation is planted on the north side of John Adams Way. This can be accessed by following South Square Road past Boston's Guildhall.

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This art installation has been designed and produced by Jo Chapman

Flotsam is a unique installation which showcases Boston's impressive international connections. Throughout history, the town has seen strong connections with Northern Europe due to its important port and import/export markets. In the 13th century, Boston was a thriving port town and this buoy celebrates that connectivity through the sea.

Where can I find it?

This buoy is located by Boston's Bus Station on Rosegarth Street.

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Lagan is a stunning buoy produced and designed by artist Jo Chapman

Lagan, a visual depiction of a buoy washed up on the shore. The lower part of the design emulates seaweed wrapped around its base as it washes up on the sand. The buoy features local stories of important journeys out to sea.

The term 'Lagan' refers to goods that have been cast overboard.

Where can I find it?

This buoy can be seen at the bottom of London Road, where the River Witham meets The Haven. This one is a little out of town so requires a short rewarding walk to reach.

For more information about the buoys trail, visit the Transported website.

This trail has been commissioned by Transported. Transported is a community-focused programme aiming to encourage people in Boston and South Holland to enjoy and participate in arts activities. Find out more about their work and how you could get involved here.

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