
Soak in the natural beauty of The Wash at Frampton Marsh, an RSPB Nature Reserve made up of stunning wetlands and natural habitats just 5 miles south of Boston.

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Perfect for bird watching, dog walking, or taking a stroll in the great outdoors, RSPB Frampton Marsh is a unique spot to experience Lincolnshire’s natural wildlife. With accessible all-weather paths, the nature reserve welcomes visitors all year round to experience its abundance of wildlife and coastal views. Ranked as one of the country’s top spots for bird watching, there are plenty of chances to experience wildlife up close at one of Frampton Marsh’s viewing zones.

Frampton Marsh’s diverse habitats, from its picturesque reedbeds to the acres of wet grasslands, provide the ideal grounds for migrating flocks of birds; from one of the purpose-built bird hides, you might be lucky enough to sight one of the rare species of birds that visit the Nature Reserve – these include avocets, redshanks and skylarks.

Transformed through the seasons, you can expect to see different wildlife throughout the year. In the summer, you can experience close-up views of passage waders amongst the saltmarshes, with the winter months giving way to various species of wildfowl packed into the wet grassland.

If you're in need of refreshments and a place to sit down and relax, pop along to the on-site Visitor Information Centre. Dogs are welcome at Frampton Marsh along the public footpaths, but to protect the local wildlife, please keep them on leads when visiting.

Visitors to Frampton Marsh van benefit from an on-site visitors’ centre, toilet facilities and an 80-space dedicated car park with accessible spaces available. The nature reserve is open to visitors at all times, with the Visitors Centre being open daily 10am-4pm.

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